Saturday, July 18, 2015

For some people life is not the same  as i feel.Birthdays are jus a normal day.wat matters is what others feel.The feeling of existence is of prime concern.The only way to deal with life is how far u adjust with the fact that people think differently.NO matter GOD has created u in the same way.Everyone whats to get  understood by every other person.But the fact is that no one understands u.They just understand the way u express urself.No one cares to look beyond your appearance,gesture or attitude.The real self is hidden deep beneath which would be revealed to few people.It is easy to be judgemental on a person's behavior than to understand the way u r.
Till now I fail myself pathetically before ppl who act before their conscience.Y people fake and shower love only with words but no feeling within.Y dont they understand to feel and to listen is just different.What benefit would they get just by showering hollow words no matter how pathetic it feels.ITS BETTER TObe  HATED THAN TO BEING IN KIND ACT OF FAKING YOURSELF...Now I just lost the liberty to express concern of my feelings.No one is sitting and watching the feelings we endure.Its just the struggle in your mind ,u wrestle with yourself trying hard to knock out your frustration.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Do i need to look beautiful?

This is something that got stuck in my mind since past two weeks.Let me see what my mind has to share with you.What is the speciality in beautiful people? May be more confidence,popular figure within a group then...ys obviously how could I forget makes u HAPPY!!! I really enjoy the satisfaction when I can bring happiness to others life.It has nothing to do with how I look.There is something else we need to look beyond..I have seen many people spending lots of time in parlours irrespective of their age.Some try be cover their unhappiness inside by bringing changes to their outward appearance.We really want others to recognize for our talents.Being recognized or hearing good comments about self makes the spirit in you lively.Let me think about the life , whom people call as beautiful.I was not able to find any difference than others.They also have sorrows,worries as everyone else.Because a person is beautiful, u cannot ensure everyone around you is happpy.What matters than the outward is how much you are happy and satisfied within.If you have a beautiful mind,you can live in peace and give the same in others life.The greatest gift in life is to live in peace.Being yourself in a situation like fearing what will happen the next moment,spending the night in tears and hugging a teddy bear is really pathetic!!! Everyone who run behind all the good fortune in the world yearns only for PEACE.This is for my cutest friend with a beautiful mind.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Written while listening to beautiful piano and violin notes

Unable to think,Unable to say
In this state of mere emptiness
I cant explain this feeling
When notes in pain touches the ears
When mind swings in harmony
I borne the heaviness in heart
Eyes are still,heart beats faster
I cant explain this feeling

When lonliness fills my mind
I struggle to escape the feeling
I try to hate,i try to ignore
But something stops me from inside
Within a moment I break my promises
Releases the constraints free

Oh mind let silence be your answer
when words and emotions hesitate
I cant trust the emotions tat eludes me
I cant pretend to be happy
Is this true or an illusion?
Living in dreams ,thinking of nothing
Unbounded from all constraints
Where worries vanish and happiness matters
I like to lead a life in dreams.
Life when reveals dream as imaginary
Fascination as a drift in mind
Smiles that evolved from all illusions
Fades as reality comes in face to face.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

To my friend Chitra

We were so different in nature
With some things in common
No matter how much we laughed
No matter how much we fought
Trust and support grew within us.
Tears reveal your value in absence
Feeling of having someone builds the bond
Moments may fade with time
Memories of cheerful days stays forever.